What is the Best Protein on the Market?

Being a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast I have tried many types of protein supplements. There are literally thousands of different brands on the market and they all promise big things. Choosing a protein supplement can be very confusing but it doesn't need to be. Here are my top 2 favorite protein supplements.

Protein Drink

Myofusion by Gaspari Nutrition- The best thing about Myofusion is the taste. When I took the chocolate flavor and mixed it with water it tasted like chocolate milk. It can be very rare to find a decent tasting protein supplement that does not make you gag. Myofusion also has a casein, egg and whey blend meaning you will be getting three different sources of protein in one drink. Studies show getting a wide variety of protein sources is more likely to lead to hypertrophy. This by far is my favorite supplement.

Protein Drink

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein- This protein has been on the market for many years and has had the highest customer ratings for a long time. Optimum whey tastes decent but is nothing to brag about. This is also a strictly whey blend meaning its far more useful for post workout recovery but many people take whey whenever they feel the need to consume an extra amount of protein. This is a very solid protein supplement.

I highly recommend any of the two proteins above. They are proven, taste good and fairly priced. Remember that not all protein is created equal. Some have a lower concentration then others. Don't be stingy when buying protein. It is the most important supplement a weight lifter can have.

What is the Best Protein on the Market?
Protein Drink

Zinc Vitamins Portable Soldering Iron